


339 South Foster Road, Jackson Center, PA 16133



Birds Eye View Farm (BEV), is an 88-acre farm owned by the Snyder family for three generations, and is located in Western Pennsylvania. The farm started out from a small flock of sheep in a 5-acre pasture to cultivating the other fields with corn, buckwheat, soybeans and a family garden. After my grandfather, Dick Snyder, passed away, I was cast on the CBS television show, Survivor Season 9. My experience on the island, Vanuatu, in the South Pacific, made me more aware of the value of everyday simple things, like food, water and shelter. When I returned home, I began to explore beekeeping and other ways I could use the farm to benefit the community and the environment. Initially, I was interested in beekeeping as a hobby but quickly, my passion turned entrepreneurial, and now I am one of a few female beekeeper business owners and farmers in the U.S., and in Pennsylvania.

A few years ago, I decided to expand my honey varieties beyond the typical wildflower honey into several other kinds including lavender, buckwheat and most recently, sunflower honey. After a lot of hard work, I have created a product line of honey, creams, and other natural honey bee products from my own organic fields and perennial flower gardens. The honey bees love it and I love it too.

Thank you for supporting me and my farm!
